Advanced Yoga
Teacher Training Course
Next Course Begins in the Spring of 2026
This 150 hour postgraduate advanced yoga teacher training course aims to inspire, empower and support qualified yoga teachers. Drawing from yogic and associated traditions it honours the uniqueness of the individual as both student and teacher of yoga. The course develops the intuition and confidence necessary to evolve your teaching skills.
We provide the space to facilitate the deepening of personal practice, thereby inspiring yoga teaching. The course presents a ‘toolbox’ of yogic and associated practices to apply in personal practice and when teaching.
Qualified, self-motivated yoga teachers from any tradition are invited to join the postgraduate advanced yoga teacher training course.
This 150 hour yoga registered course includes 100 taught hours held over 15 days (and includes 1 residential weekend) plus 50 hours of home study and practice. Weekends are held at the Lotus Loft in Exeter Devon.
To register your interest, email info@devonyoga.com
Areas of study.
- DSY Advanced Kriyas System
- Yamas as ethical guidelines for teaching yoga
- Niyamas as observances for self-practice and continued self-study and development
- Historical and background information on yoga
- Cultural awareness, inclusivity and sensitivity
- Developing the yoga teachers’ unique qualities
- Connecting and strengthening the voice and exploring the power of language
- Planning, themes and inspiring ways to structure classes
- Supporting less-mobile and hypermobile people
- A further look at classroom use of props and supports
- Effective classroom demonstrations
- Teaching meditation
- Developing teaching workshops and retreats
- The yoga teacher in the digital age
- A further look at:
– Asana
– Pranayama
– Mantra
– Meditation
– Mudra/Bandha
– Qigong / DSY energy balancing exercises
– Prana awareness exercises
– Sanskrit chanting of selected yoga sutras
– Philosophy, including Patanjali, samkhya and vedanta - Incorporating the subtle anatomy of yoga into your teaching
– Shariras and Koshas
– Nadis and Chakras - Deepening the individuals’ yoga sadhana as a student of yoga
In particular (however, not limited to), developing self-practice of
– Holistic Yoga
– Meditation - Revisiting the Yoga Paths including:
– Hatha
– Raja Yoga
– Ashtanga Yoga
– Bhakti
– Jnana
– Karma - Mauna – silence on residentials
- Selected study of yoga philosophy, building on the basic knowledge from teacher training courses with a view to integrating it into weekly classes
- Understanding the effects of yoga practice on key areas of anatomy and physiology including:
– Respiratory System
– Cardiovascular System
– Nervous System
– Physiology of stretching

2026 Course Dates.
Dates coming soon
Course weekends will be held in the Lotus Loft in central Exeter.
On successful completion of the one year course, the Devon School of Yoga Advanced Teacher Training Certificate is awarded.

“I encourage anyone wanting to develop their yoga to take this course. It has truly enhanced my teaching by learning from such inspiring tutors. I have grown in self confidence, by being taught in such a nourishing environment, my students and clients are being fully rewarded with my new found awareness to them.”
Jenny, Graduate Student.