Yoga Teacher Training
2025-2027 Enrolment Now Open
Full List of Course Dates Here
Download the Syllabus Here
Download the Enrolment Form Here
Our 500 Hour YTT-registered Yoga Teacher Training Course was developed to give students an in-depth and holistic approach to yoga.
You’ll benefit from the knowledge and expertise of our tutors, who combined, have over 200 years and thousands of hours of experience in the study, practice and teaching of yoga. They have trained with some of the world’s most highly respected teachers from a wide range of yoga schools that include Ashtanga, Iyengar, Sivananda and many more. Each one of our teachers brings something unique to our teacher training course. This eclectic mix of backgrounds creates an ideal environment for students to develop their very own personal approach to yoga.
Our two-year course comprises 43 days of practice and study held over 20 weekends in Devon. Three of the weekends are Friday to Sunday full board residentials at Namaste Barn near Chudleigh. The other 17 weekends are held from 10am-5pm on Saturday and Sunday at Namaste Barn. This venue is ideally located in the rolling countryside of Devon. It offers a peaceful environment – perfect for yoga study and contemplation. Classes are held in a purpose-built, well-equipped studio with underfloor heating and beautiful views across the Devon hills.
Plus, there is free parking on site for all course weekends.
The Devon School of Yoga is registered with Yoga Teachers Together, an independent yoga organisation for professional yoga teachers and schools. Our 500 hour teacher training course has been been approved as meeting the YTT’s high standards of yoga teacher training and is fully registered with YTT. Our senior tutors are all YTT-registered Yoga Elders.
Our Yoga Teacher Training Course Video.
This video discusses what students can expect from our 500-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course. Our Teacher Training takes place in beautiful locations in Devon and includes residential retreats.
Yoga Teacher Training in peaceful Devon.
Our weekend yoga training courses and retreats are in idyllic settings that are peaceful and perfect for learning and sharing yoga. Accommodation for the retreats is on-site, and we provide excellent plant-based food that is nourishing and freshly prepared by the School’s chef, Andrea. The Yoga studio is purpose-built and well-equipped, with underfloor heating and lots of natural light.
Yoga Teacher Training with the
Devon School of Yoga.
Yoga is a fascinating subject, and learning to teach yoga involves more than just fulfilling a syllabus. Our course aims to impart confidence to our students, allowing them to bring their own unique qualities to yoga teaching.
Yoga Teacher Training in Beautiful Devon.
Besides learning fundamental skills and gaining confidence to teach, the Devon School of Yoga Teacher Training course is the perfect place to share yoga with like-minded people. The retreat and studio settings are in beautiful and peaceful locations in Devon.
Keeping Classes Live.
During the Pandemic, many people resorted to learning yoga online. At the Devon School of Yoga, we believe that live classes are essential for students and teachers.
Practical Skills
and Knowledge.
As well as learning the correct procedure and practice of a wide range of asanas, students will also cover Mudras and Bandhas, Pranayama, Kriyas and meditation practices in detail.
You’ll also study anatomy, physiology and pathology – essential for any yoga teacher. A broad based understanding of the eleven body systems are the key areas of study. However, we have also given particular emphasis to the varied beneficial physical affects that yoga asana can bring to the body and explore these too. Keith Bellis, the tutor for this subject, has over 40 years of experience in teaching the subject and is himself a yoga and Shiatsu practitioner.
Yoga philosophy also makes up an important part of our yoga teacher training course. You’ll be guided through this fascinating subject and learn about many of the ancient yoga traditions. Principal yoga texts that are studied include the major Upanisads, The Bhagavad Gita, The Yoga Sutra and The Hatha Yoga Pradepika.
Added to this we also explore: The sthula, suksma and karana sarira (gross, subtle and casual bodies); Pancha koshas (five sheaths); Nadis, chakras and granthis (subtle channels, centres and knots); Prana (vital force); Kundalini (coiled serpent power); Tri gunas (three strands or aspects of phenomenal reality); Kleshas (afflictions); Jivatman and paramatman (individual self and supreme self).
Finally, it’s imperative that potential teachers have the tools to teach with confidence and clarity. Our course includes a complete module on teaching skills – from preparing interesting class plans and understanding how learning takes place, to the development of language clarity and safe ‘in-class’ practice.
See Sample Pages from 1 of our 4
Teacher Training Course Manuals
Yoga Teacher Training Qualification.
The course is 300 taught hours over 43 days (20 monthly weekends), plus 250 hours theory home study, 400 hours home practice, and 150 hours of recorded weekly class, workshop, or retreat attendance leading to 500 hour qualification with the YTT Yoga Register. The prerequisites for joining the course are: two or more years of regular practice including classes, workshops, retreat attendance and/or completion of the school’s (or another organisation’s) Foundation Course.
Areas of Study Include:
- Yoga Sopana – Preliminary exercises
- Asanas – Yoga Postures
- Kriyas: exercises to cleanse and purify the internal organs and to strengthen the immune system using breath and bandha only Pranayama: breathing exercises to retain and extend the flow of vital energy
- Relaxation technques
- Meditations
- Mudras and Bandhas: psycho-physical processes acting on the nervous and subtle energy systems
- Anatomy and Physiology
- Subtle Anatomy: Chakras, Koshas, Nadis, theoretical and practical understanding
- Yoga Philosophy: Yoga Sutra, Samkhya, Vedanta, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita
- Mantra: chanting sound vibrations
- Dietary guidelines: Ayurvedic and naturopathic approaches
- Teaching skills and practice
- Hands-on guidance
- Guidelines for setting up classes and courses
- Pathology of specific health conditions helped by yoga
- Listening skills
- Swara Yoga
- Introduction to Ayurveda
- Yoga postures in relation to the acupuncture meridians of subtle energy
- Self-Massage techniques and introduction to DSY yoga bodywork
- The Business of Yoga – practicalities and marketing
- Four comprehensive course manuals provided
- All students will be encouraged and guided on further developing self practice and study
Course Dates
- September 13-14
- October 10-12 (Residential)
- November 8-9
- December 13-14
- January 10-11
- February 7-8
- March 7-8
- April 11-12
- May 9-10
- June 13-14
- July 11-12
- (No August weekend)
- September 5-6
- October 2-4 (Residential)
- October 31 – November 1
- December 5-6
- January 9-10
- February 13-14
- March 20-21
- April 23-25 (Residential)
- (No May weekend)
- June 5-6
Course Fees.
The overall course fee total is £4795 (payment options available – for more info, contact the office at info@devonyoga.com).
The total fee includes:
- All course tuition from an expert team of tutors and 4 comprehensive course manuals = £3895
This includes 43 days of tuition.
- Six nights full board residential = £900
Residential fees include 6 nights full board accommodation over three Friday to Sunday weekends and includes all meals and drinks from arrival to departure of the residential weekends.
On successful completion of the two years, the Devon School of Yoga Teacher Training Diploma is awarded. The Diploma is recognised by Yoga Teachers Together (YTT). Professional insurance cover is available on merit, so students may begin limited teaching during the course.
“I have gained so much from the teachings…
It is wonderful and I am already beginning to put into practise what I have learnt.”
Caroline, TTC Student.